The card for this new moon is the 7 of Cups from the Thoth tarot deck.
This card makes me think of a layered wedding cake that’s been left out for way too long and has clearly gone bad – it’s all slimy! It’s as if the wedding never happened because the relationship fell apart. Did this break up actually occur or was it all a nightmare?
Regardless of what happened, the landscape looks gooey to me. The lotus flowers are wilting, the sky is dense and tense, and the water is murky. How did that happen? One possible reason is that we were out of touch with reality – the one we’ve been creating for a long while now. So it’s time to take an honest look deep into your heart and soul and see what wants to surface. The reflection may look a bit slimy, and there may be some grime that needs to get cleaned up, though it’s all part of our nature to ever-evolve. It’s essential that we move through our shadows in order to come into the light. And this is an ongoing process. Furthermore, this issue is a global one, not a personal one. We are diverse, yet we are ALL united in some way.