This full moon, closely coinciding with the summer solstice this year, brings us the Two of Disks card from the Thoth tarot deck. The rich imagery depicts a snake, symbolizing the inevitable change that is occurring for all at this time. The need to rest, to balance, to shift with the changing times. It’s a ripe time to ask yourself,
“What am I committing to in this earthly realm?”
“Where is the ‘yes’ where I feel I can build something, and where does it feel like I don’t have the actual wherewithal to do it?”
You may receive an immediate answer and you may need to wait for an authentic response. The waiting and sitting in the unknown can be challenging, though with the answer comes the shedding of old skin and transformation will begin taking shape. It is indeed a powerful moment in humanity where we have the opportunity to choose a new path, and the infinity symbol suggests the possibilities are just that: infinite!