November New Moon 2024

This new moon calls in The Moon tarot card, reversed, from the Thoth deck. We’re being asked to tap into our intuition and look at what’s beneath the surface. It’s erupting up at this time and is close to the surface. What we find may be uncomfortable to come to terms with, and yet is a necessary passage way for our way forward.

What illusion may we be holding onto that needs to be shed?

It’s also a time for initiation of some kind – marking the start of something significant with some kind of action – big or small. We’re needing to bring the vulnerable parts of ourselves out into the world, ultimately for the greatest good. I love seeing the Moon card show up on the new moon. I couldn’t have planned it better myself!

October Full Moon 2024

Well it looks like we’re still being drawn into negative head spaces, given that this full moon’s card was once again the Seven of Swords, from the Thoth deck (see September full moon blurb). The good news is that when I asked about how we lift up out of these self-defeating mental spaces, I was shown the Two of Cups. Given this card, I’d say the way to clear out our minds is with love. I’ve been told that love helps to quell fear, and so finding that place of love within ourselves will help us steer out of the fog and find a new healthier self-talk.

What does making a commitment to love look like for you?

October New Moon 2024

The new moon on October 2nd brings us the 10 of Disks from the Thoth tarot deck. It’s the card of inner and outer riches. The seed that was planted recently or long ago is bearing fruit at this time – it’s harvest time! The endeavor you’ve been seeking or working towards is showing manifest in the material world. It’s a card of endings and therefore beginnings; a theme I have written about for 2024.

What are 10 things that have materialized in your life that you’re grateful for?