March Full Moon 2024

The King of Wands from the Rider-Waite deck signifies the strength of our creative fire coming out. It’s also a sign of our increasing connection to our spirit bodies and to our intuition. There is a presence in this being that gives the feeling of maturity, vast experience, and reflection. Here are a handful of reflective questions worth asking yourself over this full moon:

  1. What kind of ruler (over oneself, not others!) do you want to be?
  2. What are you feeling ambitious and creative and passionate about at this time?
  3. How can you use your spiritual strength as a resource or support for you and/or others?
  4. Where is your creative fire coming out at this time?

March New Moon 2024

The three of Wands from the Thoth tarot deck is shining itself upon us for this new moon in March. As we watch the return of the sun’s strength we feel a renewed strength within. Pay attention to see where and how Creator is showing up for you around a new commitment and/or awareness; there’s a new opening, based on what you have chosen to commit to, that feels enlivening to you. There’s a feeling of alignment and togetherness in this card too that’s life-affirming, urging you to begin building your sanctuary – from the inside out. Makes me feel like dancing!