The image in the six of Pentacles in the Sharman-Caselli tarot deck symbolizes the joyful generosity that each human is innately capable of. Furthermore, it’s as much about giving as it is about receiving – the reciprocal relationship that is deeply rewarding for All. If more humans could come to the mindset of win-win, think about how much more beauty there would be in the world? With all the heightened energy (albeit frantic energy) at this full supermoon, perhaps we’re being reminded to give something of ourselves this week. The act is both freeing and may make us feel like we’re a part of something greater than ourselves. Plus, according to Universal Law, giving and receiving are one in the same, and it always balances out in the end…whenever that is!
Monthly Archives: September 2023
September New Moon 2023
The Eight of Wands card in the Mythic tarot deck feels like a promise of something good to come. After an arduous journey, the dolphins are smiling as is the figure head on the ship. The eight wands are aligned and shining brightly, and even through they’re swaying in the wind, they are sturdy and vibrant. You’ve been working with something, you’ve likely endured challenges, and now’s the time to articulate it all. Put the pen to paper, or the voice on the recorder, or however else that process can happen. The times is ripe to create the structure and/or the principles for your endeavor. Whether it’s an inner state of being, a project of passion, or an intuitive life design, you’re getting close to it’s fulfillment. What’s needed now is the form – the final stages of the plan – that comes before the execution, and helps to create a strong foundation for both inner and outer success.