January New Moon 2025

The Major Arcana card, the Hermit, is the image for humanity for this new moon. It seems fitting for this card to appear, considering winter is often a ripe time for soul searching and deep self-reflection. The Hermit represents creation, rebirth, awakening, and is a call to bring to light the inner wisdom of our souls. We’re being asked to retreat and/or set aside some solo time to find our inner light that will help guide our way. The info is beyond the rational intellect, and it may feel difficult to access and acknowledge our authentic selves. However, this is the beginning of a new year – one deemed by some as the “great awakening” – and the Hermit card depicts precisely that: an awakening within that leads to a new beginning.

January Full Moon 2025

For this full moon we are graced with the Queen of Cups card, reversed, from the Thoth tarot deck. The queen of cups cannot be fully understood by rational means. She is the receptive, intuitive, feminine aspect of ourselves that lives in the great mystery. She is full of love, kindness, and gratitude and dissolves doubt. She surrenders to the ocean of love and is receptive to all possibilities.

At this time, we are being asked to observe this quality in ourselves or lack thereof.

With the card reversed, the question is: how have we become disconnected from our intuition and compassion for ourselves and others?

In what way can we tap into this aspect of ourselves more fully?

December New Moon 2024

The final new moon of 2024 is highlighted by the 7 of Wands from the Thoth tarot deck.

This card asks us to use creative imagination to move through an obstacle or challenging situation, as opposed to using the ego or rational mind. There’s a tendency to feel overcome by fear and/or anger, and it can be helpful to use your inner fire with good intention. It’s a good time to allow yourself to daydream and pay attention to your dreams and/or the subtle voice within. They’re filled with helpful guidance.

Where do you feel your inner fire being impeded?

How can you tap into your creative imagination for guidance?

May 2025 bring illumination and clarity to us all!

December Full Moon 2024

The Queen of Swords from the Thoth tarot deck appears for this full moon – the last of 2024. This queen is conscious of her deep emotions and yet can remain objective. She has the courage to expose what is true for her, and the ability to communicate what’s in her heart. Her mask has been removed and she has found her power, as her mind and heart are aligned.

What soulful realizations are you having at this time?

How can you remain objective amongst all the deep emotions that are surfacing?

November New Moon 2024

The upcoming new moon is accompanied by the Two of Cups from the Thoth tarot deck. This card showed up in last month’s post for the full moon; it really wants to be seen! This card signifies communion and devotional practice. What and/or who am I devoted to? It’s the time to plant the seeds for what you’re envisioning. There may also be a desire to connect with people and share in something together around this time, whether it be a meal, a dance, or an art activity. Regardless of what you “do”, it’s a ripe time for choosing love over fear, and committing to peace in one’s heart is a great first step.

November Full Super Moon 2024

The last super moon of 2024 is paired with the Six of Disks, from the Thoth tarot deck. After a turbulent time, this moon illuminates our feelings of cohesiveness and integration as we watch the cold close out the gardens. The focus is on the material realm – work, home, finances, our bodies, as we acknowledge our successes.

What has been working well for me lately?

Where do I feel grounded and well balanced at this time?

It’s a time of feeling stable in some aspect of our lives as it relates to the material world, regardless of the chaos that’s gone on.

November New Moon 2024

This new moon calls in The Moon tarot card, reversed, from the Thoth deck. We’re being asked to tap into our intuition and look at what’s beneath the surface. It’s erupting up at this time and is close to the surface. What we find may be uncomfortable to come to terms with, and yet is a necessary passage way for our way forward.

What illusion may we be holding onto that needs to be shed?

It’s also a time for initiation of some kind – marking the start of something significant with some kind of action – big or small. We’re needing to bring the vulnerable parts of ourselves out into the world, ultimately for the greatest good. I love seeing the Moon card show up on the new moon. I couldn’t have planned it better myself!

October Full Moon 2024

Well it looks like we’re still being drawn into negative head spaces, given that this full moon’s card was once again the Seven of Swords, from the Thoth deck (see September full moon blurb). The good news is that when I asked about how we lift up out of these self-defeating mental spaces, I was shown the Two of Cups. Given this card, I’d say the way to clear out our minds is with love. I’ve been told that love helps to quell fear, and so finding that place of love within ourselves will help us steer out of the fog and find a new healthier self-talk.

What does making a commitment to love look like for you?

October New Moon 2024

The new moon on October 2nd brings us the 10 of Disks from the Thoth tarot deck. It’s the card of inner and outer riches. The seed that was planted recently or long ago is bearing fruit at this time – it’s harvest time! The endeavor you’ve been seeking or working towards is showing manifest in the material world. It’s a card of endings and therefore beginnings; a theme I have written about for 2024.

What are 10 things that have materialized in your life that you’re grateful for?