September Full Moon 2024

The Seven of Swords, reversed, for this full moon can be captured best by the ineffectual thoughts such as, “what’s the point?” It’s the defeatist thinking that we can succumb to and the reversal calls for feeling the fear and finding the courage to do it anyway when the soul has been summoned. At this time, we’re being asked to shine a light on where we may be in a mental rut – it’s time to pay attention to your dreams and use creative imagination to lift up out of a self-defeating mental space. With a renewed head space comes new perspective and over time a new identity.

September New Moon 2024

When asking for insight for this new moon two cards fell out of the tarot deck as I was shuffling, and here they are: The two of wands and the three of swords from the Thoth deck together represent the dynamic pioneering spirit that makes a commitment to a cause and sees it through. It’s like a thunderbolt of insight that gives you energy and ignites your fire. A new direction is being sought out. With this, there’s a need for acknowledging the loss that comes when we open up to something new – a new life philosophy is birthing and the old one must be laid to rest. Be gentle with yourself as you pluck the necessary petals – it can be a painful process. You’re making space though to welcome in something that energizes you. I notice a big polarity in the colour of the two cards – one light and one dark; it’s a beautiful display of the universal duality of life.

August Full Supermoon 2024

While the full supermoon is not until August 19th, in my part of the world, I’m getting this out now as I will be away with limited access to email during the full moon time. Plus, it’s a big one – lots to work with. I’ve also rekindled my love for the Thoth tarot deck, and thus will be using it for my moon posts for the next while.

The tarot card for the August full supermoon is the 10 of Swords. With the light of the full moon, things often get clear and it’s a ripe time for completions. The swords indicate the ending of a whole way our minds have been working. We’re leaving the old paradigm behind. We’re bringing out a new consciousness into the world…we’re ready for it. In order for this to occur, we need to clear out any derailing thoughts, doubts, and opinions of others.

This card is also about waking up to circumstances or situations that are no longer working for us and feeling the brokenness in our hearts; feeling our grief around it can be painful and, furthermore, it’s hardly talked about in our culture. Yet it’s this piercing of the heart that brings us to life. And when we can see the value in all of our life experiences, we can transform them into wisdom.

August New Moon 2024

When I asked about this new moon’s significance I picked the HIEROPHANT (image is from the Thoth tarot deck). This card is about our connection to the Great Spirit. It’s about allowing for the Universal Intelligence to be our guide. It’s a call to make a prayer and/or set an intention for something that’s greater than oneself.

“What feels most important to intend and attend to at this time for the highest good of yourself and others?”

The Hierophant is also about personal transformation and healing through great challenges. I believe we are given spiritual challenges on our life’s journey for our souls to evolve and for human consciousness to expand. These experiences take everything we’ve got, and yet they are integral in learning about what it means to be living a spiritual life in this earthly realm.

July Full Moon 2024

The major arcana card, Adjustment, from the Thoth tarot deck is the focus for this full moon in July.

This card is about not taking responsibility for everyone and everything you do. It’s about the ability to be responsive. It’s about creating a bridge between your inner reality and bringing it to the outer reality – the place between what I know and sharing what I know. It’s a time to ask ourselves,

“What and/or how am I putting myself out into the world in authenticity at this time?”

“What am I taking a stand for that is in alignment with my authentic self?”

“What do I need to remain balanced during this radical time of universal shifting?”

Our earth is experiencing an intense shift at this time, and simultaneously there’s a shift occurring in humanity. It’s important for us to listen to what’s needed and respond appropriately. It requires us to let go of what no longer serves us, allowing us to find our centered and balanced selves among the changes.

July New Moon 2024

The Ace of Swords from the Thoth tarot deck, the very first deck I ever worked with, is a classic card for a new moon. It symbolizes a new idea, a new way of thinking, or a new mental state. It’s the seed, the beginning, from which all form begins. It’s the time to ask yourself,

“What new idea is ready to be seeded?

“What’s my mental state at this time?

“Is there a self-deprecating pattern that needs to be uprooted?”

The swords are powerful, and coupled with the ace, we’re looking at the potential for a shift in consciousness that can affect all aspects of life. The ace is the beginning, like the sun rising, and the card is filled with light and mystery – the great mystery of all of creation.

Full moon in June 2024

This full moon, closely coinciding with the summer solstice this year, brings us the Two of Disks card from the Thoth tarot deck. The rich imagery depicts a snake, symbolizing the inevitable change that is occurring for all at this time. The need to rest, to balance, to shift with the changing times. It’s a ripe time to ask yourself,

“What am I committing to in this earthly realm?”

“Where is the ‘yes’ where I feel I can build something, and where does it feel like I don’t have the actual wherewithal to do it?”

You may receive an immediate answer and you may need to wait for an authentic response. The waiting and sitting in the unknown can be challenging, though with the answer comes the shedding of old skin and transformation will begin taking shape. It is indeed a powerful moment in humanity where we have the opportunity to choose a new path, and the infinity symbol suggests the possibilities are just that: infinite!

New moon in June 2024

The Knight of Cups, from the Rider-Waite deck, is featured for the upcoming new moon this June. The message here is, “it’s time to align your mind and your heart”. One way to do this is by mentally tracking your heart – your emotional self. What are your heart’s desires? What emotions are running rampant for you at this time? What emotions are surfacing that you would rather sweep under the rug? At this new moon, consider engaging in this practice for clarity. A journal can be a good resource too. Awareness is the first step to change and change seems to be in the cards (and stars for that matter!) for humanity at this time. When we align our mental and emotional states we can be powerful agents of change!

Full Moon in May 2024

With planting season upon us, I was prompted to consult my Herbal tarot deck for some insight into this months’ full moon. What showed up was The Medicine Wheel card. I love how the rocks are laid out in four quadrants symbolizing the seasons, directions, and life cycles. The card signifies a time of completions and endings – with every ending comes a new beginning. It’s a theme for 2024. As for slippery elm, I’ve used it for sore throats and coughs, and lung issues, making it a good fit in times of grief and loss that can come with endings. It’s a nourishing, smooth and comforting herb. The tagline for this card, as so eloquently said by the deck’s creators is: “bringing down to earth the sacred power of the sky”, translating to the power of manifestation available to humanity at this time.

Super New Moon May 2024

The Mythic Tarot presents the tarot card Justice for this super new moon. The figure in this card brings a message of balance, steadfastness, and of taking a stand for what s/he believes in. It often requires a letting go – a releasing of the old outdated way of being. It is a time for a new intention to be made. The owl may be bringing a message of loss that simultaneously comes with a gain or new beginning. The big pillars signify that you are protected by Great Spirit, Creator, your animal allies or however you see that Great all-knowing force. In these times, it can be comforting to remember that.