I was away on a personal retreat this past weekend, hence my post arriving a couple days later than usual. For this June 18th new moon, two cards wanted to be known. First, the Ace of Swords: a fertile time for planting a new seed. The swords speaks to intending a new thought pattern, level of consciousness, or possibly a new idea as it relates to work, relationships, your home, or whatever area of life feels poignant for you at this time. This card, coupled with the 10 of Swords, indicates there may also be some kind of completion or ending in the same arena. Maybe you have had a challenging experience of some kind and are ready to begin anew. The card is asking you to look at what has been completed and to honour that phase, as a readiness for the new in the Ace of Swords. With the summer solstice coming in a couple days, there’s lots of potential for creating a really potent shift in mental patterns/consciousness. Pay attention to those subtle thoughts and/or dreams showing up at this time. All manifestations begin with an initial thought or idea. Follow your bliss!